SEPTEMBER 25, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 9:04 AM.
Present were committee members: Joe Gaze, Jeff Kotkin and David Neelon. Also present were: Jeanne Pryor, Treasurer; Mary White, Clerk; Jaime Garanzuay, Road Superintendant; Steve and Mimi Stambler and Richard Pryor.
The minutes were reviewed and accepted.
Treasurer’s report:
It was moved and seconded to accept the Treasurer’s report --voted unanimously.
The warrant was signed.
Road Report:
Rod Savery has finished mowing roadsides.
The beavers have been busy at the outflow on Little Long Bow. Jaime called Beaver Solutions, who came out and cleaned out the culvert and installed a deceiver.
Jaime and Ernie have been trying to find a permanent solution for the problem with Silver Leaf sec. #2. Ernie thinks he may have it solved, and Jaime will meet with him on 9/27 to discuss the solution.
Old Abbey Lane needs work done at the southern junction with Long Bow East. Richard Pryor made some suggestions as to procedures.
It was moved and seconded to allow Jaime to spend up to $3,000 to do the work on Silver Leaf and Old Abbey Lane--voted unanimously.
Jeanne Pryor gave the committee a report of moneys appropriated, and amount spent so far so that they can make the best decisions of how to allocate the remaining funds.
Mimi Stambler commented that there are several trees on Long Bow East that should have some branches taken care of now in good weather before we run into ice storms and heavy snow fall, and they come down across the road.
It was moved and seconded to accept the road report--voted unanimously.
Lakes report:
PEOPLE FROM Aquatic Control came in and did significant spraying of the lakes for phragmities and purple loose strife, but the results will not be apparent until next spring. Ernie will be contacted about removing the weeds.
Our “Request for Determination of Applicability” is good for three years. There is no “Notice of Intent” needed for the hand pulling of weeds. Our “Order of Conditions” expires in the spring of 2011. Mark, from Aquatic Control, suggests that we request an extension. Jeff will ask him to do that. Mark would like to do a lakes survey this fall, as this could help with a Conservation Committee extension.
There was discussion as to hiring divers to pull weeds. The consensus is that since these lakes are, for the most part, shallow, hand pulling should suffice for all except the deeper areas.
It was moved and seconded to accept the Lakes report--voted unanimously.
Vanessa and Linda Levesque will be here later today to view their property. Joe will be going out to meet with them.
Mr. Lavery has been invited to our October meeting to discuss what he wants to do on his property.
Mary White reported that the lights are not currently in stock. She will keep abreast of the situation.
Signs put up by the snowmobile clubs will be left as is for the present.
There being no further discussion or business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10.
Our next meeting will be held on October23, 2010.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary S. White
District Clerk
The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 AM.
Our next meeting will be on September 25, 2010.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary S. White, District Clerk